“At Chenot, our focus is not on lifespan, but rather healthspan – the concept of remaining healthy for as long as possible as we age,” said Dr George Gaitanos, Chief Operating and Scientific Officer of Chenot.
The Chenot Molecular Lab for Optimal Living was born from our desire to empower guests to make meaningful changes that secure their optimal health. Our epigenetic profile is the most precise barometer of our future health that reveals our genes activity and ultimately pinpoints to molecular targets for increasing life expectancy, avoiding disease and achieving optimal well living.
The Chenot Molecular Lab for Optimal Living uses novel mRNA-based molecular tests to analyse the expression levels of certain genes associated with silent inflammation, oxidative stress, hormonal imbalance, structural integrity of connective tissue and ageing. Through a simple blood test performed at Chenot’s state-of-the-art molecular laboratory, the Medical Team conducts a comprehensive gene expression analysis to determine an individual’s genes activity – an invaluable predictor of health and susceptibility to disease. This highly precise and reliable epigenetic profile identifies undesirable gene activity and pinpoints the root cause of current or oncoming health issues years before their onset.
Equipped with an accurate picture of an individual’s gene activity, the Chenot Medical Team then creates an individualized treatment plan to target and build resilience against the potential onset of maladaptive symptoms. This innovative approach to health and wellness empowers individuals to take preventative measures and make lifestyle changes that are proven to slow biological ageing on an individual basis.

يهدف برنامجنا المميز شينو إلى إحداث تنقية عميقة وإزالة السموم من الجسم للتخلص من السموم وزيادة الحيوية وإعادة ضبط مستويات الطاقة وإعادة التوازن الفسيولوجي للجسم.
CHF 5’500
استرخِ عقلك، وأعد تنشيط جسدك – يعمل برنامج Chenot’s Recover & Energize على تقليل التوتر المزمن والإرهاق والتعب ويستعيد مستويات الطاقة المثالية.
CHF 6’400
برنامج شينو الأكثر كثافة لتعزيز الصحة، والذي يجمع بين التخلص من السموم المميز لدينا وتجديد عالي التأثير لتأخير ظهور الشيخوخة البيولوجية.
CHF 7’100