Chenot Palace Gabala Medical Department

Medical Department


A medical doctor will review your current health status and history, discuss your personal goals and prescribe you with all the necessary treatments to detoxify your body and promote your health and wellbeing. At the end of your programme our expert team of doctors will provide you with the required lifestyle modifications to reach optimum health.

Based on anthropometric, metabolic and diet related data, one of our dieticians will determine your nutritional status and conduct an in-depth analysis of your daily diet needs. The purpose is to highlight any nutritional deficiencies in your diet and to help restore your overall health and wellbeing.

This diagnostic involves a hi-tech bio-energetic screening of the body’s vital functions through Resonance Analysis Technology. It provides information about the energetic state of the internal organs and body functions in relation to defined parameters of health. Gaining insight and information into the guest’s needs, an effective personalised treatment is performed to restore the energy balance of the body.

A complete series of blood, urine and saliva tests and analysis are available, focusing particularly on inflammatory biomarkers, food intolerances, allergies, neurotransmitters, hormones, vitamins, free radicals, minerals and heavy metals. Our team of doctors evaluate the results and treatments are prescribed when required.

This test is designed to detect food intolerances that can cause inflammation of the bowel and numerous other problems throughout the body. People with chronic health problems, indigestion and flatulence, weight and skin problems benefit from testing as shifting to a new diet plan can solve these concerns.

This innovative diagnostic test measures the level of biological oxidation in the body against the efficacy of its own antioxidant defence systems in balancing the presence of oxidised toxic compounds. When this balance is upset, a condition known as oxidative stress, cellular damage and the ageing process can be greatly accelerated.

A non-invasive and accurate method for measuring arterial function and assessing vascular ageing. Measurements of the stiffness of the arteries, central blood pressure and pulse wave reflection returning from the arteries to the heart are taken, and allow for individual treatment if required.

This highly technological diagnostic test measures the accumulation of advanced glycation end products within human tissue in real time. Protein glycation is a widely acknowledged factor in age-related chronic diseases. The detection of increased AGEs enables appropriate treatments and lifestyle modifications including a diet plan to break the bonds that connect proteins and sugars.

Our revolutionary non-invasive method is used to detect the bioavailability of trace elements and heavy metals that exist within the tissues in real time. If detected, re-mineralization treatments and chelation procedures are implemented to detoxify the body.

A highly sensitive ultrasound method which measures the quality and quantity of the thickness of the skin and connective tissue. It provides information about the actual age of the skin but also reflects the overall condition of connective tissue which is essential for the body’s integrity. These results allow for targeted medical, medical aesthetic and cosmetic treatments.


Personalised, bioenergetic signals are transmitted through laser conductivity points on the body to assist the restoration of its energetic balance and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. These treatments also offer a non-invasive cellular stimulation that promotes cellular rejuvenation processes.

This treatment traditional needle treatment is performed to treat joint and muscle pains, headaches, migraines and neuropathic pains certain respiratory illnesses and allergies, gynaecological and gastro-intestinal disorders, stress, anxiety and sleep disturbances.
This treatment aims to strengthen the immune system and the body’s defence mechanisms. It helps the body to revitalise providing an overall rejuvenating and anti-ageing effect. The treatment consists of the enrichment of the guest’s own blood with ozone to fight fatigue and improve detoxification.
Specially formulated nutrient solutions are applied intravenously that consist of effective doses of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and chelating agents. This supports the body’s defences and improves its mechanisms of damage removal that accelerates the ageing process.
Chelation therapy involves the intravenous injection of chelating agents. Once in the body, chelators bind to heavy metals, forming water-soluble chemical complexes. This transformation makes it easier for the body to eliminate these toxic substances.

This treatment consists of irrigating the large intestine (colonic irrigation) to flush out impurities from the colon and toxins, boost the energy levels and enhance the immune system.