What is the Chenot Diet®?

The Chenot Diet® is a short-term intervention that lasts seven to ten days maximum, and our health and medical professionals supervise it in a controlled environment. At the same time, the main goal of the Chenot Diet® is not weight loss, although that can be one of the outcomes. The Chenot Diet®’s main purpose is to promote cellular rejuvenation, counteract ageing processes, and enhance individuals’ ability to perform at their best. How exactly?

The Chenot Diet®, one of the fundamental pillar that comprise the Chenot Method®, is a plant-based intervention that delivers 850 kcal daily across three meals. 

Yes, it’s a calorie-restrictive diet that provides fewer calories than a typical daily intake, but unlike conventional fasts, allows food consumption—delivering, therefore, some quality nourishment to the cells during the intervention. 

In terms of macronutrients, the Chenot Diet® blends good complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index (45%) with good fats (45%) while keeping the amount of protein intake—also those of plant origin—to a minimum (10%). 


Fast-mimicking diet and autophagy

These percentages, combined with the calorie restriction, mimic the effects of fasting (fast-mimicking diet, or FMD), including cellular rejuvenation and metabolic health, while steering away from its downsides, namely potential nutritional deficiencies and muscle mass loss. 

In the fast-mimicking period, cells undergo an important metabolic shift from growth and reproduction to maintenance, repair, and autophagy. During the latter process, the cells literally “eat themselves”: they break down and reuse damaged or unnecessary components to repair and rejuvenate. Triggering autophagy is particularly important with age, as this mechanism decreases over time, accumulating metabolic waste within the cells.

In the first two days of the intervention, the body enters a fat-burning and ketosis state, while autophagy kicks in around day three. These are the hardest days of the week, but sticking with the protocol is crucial. The real benefits will be felt from day four and established by the week’s end. That’s why we ask people to visit Chenot for at least one week to truly benefit from the program. 

Although you can integrate the Chenot Diet® at home and get inspired by our Detox at Home  cookbook, we also suggest carrying it out in cycles, from five to a maximum of seven consecutive days—ideally under the supervision of our medical and nutritional specialists. 

Chenot Team



Ingredients and cooking 

The ingredients chosen for the Chenot Diet® are all organic, and we privilege local, and in-season produce to offer the best nutrients and taste. Our ingredients have also been selected for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-glycating qualities. Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) form when sugars react with proteins at high temperatures or prolonged durations and are linked to chronic inflammation and diseases.  

Furthermore, to maintain the quality of nutrients and flavour of our ingredients and foods, we cook them at low temperatures for a short duration and at high moisture. Steaming, poaching, and boiling all limit the AGE’s production and maintain texture and flavour even more. Marinating ingredients in acidic solutions such as lemon juice or vinegar before cooking can help reduce the formation of AGEs. The acid in the marinade acts as a protective barrier, preventing excessive AGE formation during the cooking process. By favoring these cooking methods and ingredient choices, Chenot cuisine ensures that the nutritional quality of the food is preserved while minimizing the potential negative health impacts associated with the accumulation of AGEs.  

The importance of mindful eating cannot be overstated. Digestion starts in the mouth, as salivary amylase begins to work on starches and break them down into simple sugars so chewing slowly and thoroughly helps digest food and ensure maximum nutrient absorption. Effective digestion also happens most effectively in the parasympathetic nervous state. Your digestive system will thank you for taking the time to relax and enjoy your food in the surroundings of our beautiful restaurants.’ 

Finally, we care about how we present food, and our dishes are a visual pleasure, too. Our food not only has an incredible nutritional purpose, but because it’s presented in a beautiful way, it also has the power to stimulate the mind and create strong bonds between people.  

As well as promoting well-being and slowing down some of the effects of ageing, we consider the Chenot Diet® as an important moment when people come together to share a fundamental human ritual. 

Try the Chenot Diet® at one of our properties as part of our Chenot Method® or at home, following the seasonal recipes of our Detox at Home cookbook. 

Pour induire une purification et une désintoxication profondes du corps afin d’éliminer les toxines, d’augmenter la vitalité, de rétablir les niveaux d’énergie et de rééquilibrer la physiologie.

CHF 5’500

Détendez votre cerveau, revitalisez votre corps – le programme Recover & Energise réduit le stress chronique et la fatigue et rétablit des niveaux d’énergie optimaux.

CHF 6’400

Le programme d’amélioration de la santé le plus intense de Chenot combinant notre détox signature avec un rajeunissement à fort impact pour retarder l’apparition du vieillissement biologique.

CHF 7’100