The five pillars of the Chenot Method®

Our evidence-based Chenot Method® resets your body at a cellular level, enabling you to live to your full health potential, for longer.

Everybody talks about longevity, but the big question is, if you are going to live up to 120, how do you get there? Does anybody want to live to 120 and spend the last 30 years in a hospital? Or in bed? Certainly not. You want to be 120 and die in wellness, able to do the things you were doing when you were young. From a biological perspective, there are mechanisms that can help you to improve your functionality, strengthen your resilience. Just a little bit of effort, and you can reset. By doing this regularly, it all accumulates. You have a longer, healthier life.

Personalised Diagnostics for Lasting Wellness

Coming to Chenot, you will start realising how your body works. We have a certain way of doing things and proof of what it achieves. We’re not going to fight biology; we go with it. Our method has five pillars: First, we need to understand the individual, to personalise, to gather information. We have diagnostics called lifestyle biomarkers that help us understand the impact of lifestyle on the body. We measure arterial stiffness. We measure advanced glycation end products. We measure oxidative stress, heart rate variability, skin collagen thickness. We extract mRNA from the blood, so we can actually look for markers like silent inflammation in the body. We look at genetic expression, we look for neuroprotection, neurodegeneration and the oxidant defence hormones. The idea is not to communicate disease, but to communicate inflammation so that you modify your lifestyle. The doctor becomes a supportive partner.


The Chenot Diet®


The second thing is the calorie-restrictive Chenot Diet®. We know that giving the body less food better activates its repairing mechanisms and helps remove damage from the cells. This is called autophagy: The body eating the body. How do we activate autophagy? By giving less than or almost equal to 850 calories per day. This is a fast-mimicking diet. We have taken all the proteins out of the food, because science tells us that when we do this, the body is able to switch to the command “clean.” It’s a detox for every single cell of your body, and it needs five to six days to show benefits.


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Hydrotherapy treatment sequence

The third pillar is hydrotherapy, a three-step process. The first step is immersing in a bath with warm water, as high in temperature as the client can withstand. This improves circulation, moves the lymphatics, and produces nitric oxide, an antioxidant and major vasodilator. Then we personalise mud, containing different algae, kaolin, essential oils, and other ingredients to improve circulation and help shed excess water. We wrap the body so temperatures are increased further — there’s a lot of sweating happening. Next, we use jet-powered water to remove the mud, aiming for specific trigger points and finishing on cold, so the muscles are shivering. The idea of these three steps is to increase the temperatures in the body to activate heat-shock proteins in the cells, which help autophagy. They are carriers of waste — either to the waste bin, or lysosome, or to the recycling bin, the ribosome. You increase your physiological stress, you increase your sympathetic activity, and this is the principle for hormesis: controlled stress, at a certain dose, helps the body better defend itself.

Tradirional chinese medicine

Then we want to reduce activity in the sympathetic nervous system and increase parasympathetic defence. In our fourth pillar, energetic doctors introduce Traditional Chinese Medicine. Their main job is to stimulate the vagus nerve. They communicate with the massage therapists, who have a unique technique: They massage the physical body — fascia, muscles, tendons — and they massage the energetic body, triggering the right points to upregulate parasympathetic defence. This is what we call recovery: Opening up the body with high stress by defence, filling the battery.


The first few days are challenging, but after 2 to 3 days, the body adapts and suddenly, you feel the energy, you feel the reset. Everything interacts. The program is difficult, but we give you a promise and we know that it works. It’s not a one-time fix; it’s something that you need to keep doing. The Chenot Method® creates momentum to change your life, and even if you change one little thing, I think that is beneficial. It puts you on track. Resetting your body is like taking the car to the garage; it drives better. You come back regularly for maintenance. But the way you drive the car, what you do in your lifestyle, that’s important. You build resilience within the body. The benefit comes from within you, the motivation comes from within you. It’s all about being proactive to improve your well-being and happiness over a lifetime. The doctor is you, and lifestyle is your medicine.

Pour induire une purification et une désintoxication profondes du corps afin d’éliminer les toxines, d’augmenter la vitalité, de rétablir les niveaux d’énergie et de rééquilibrer la physiologie.

CHF 5’500

Détendez votre cerveau, revitalisez votre corps – le programme Recover & Energise réduit le stress chronique et la fatigue et rétablit des niveaux d’énergie optimaux.

CHF 6’400

Le programme d’amélioration de la santé le plus intense de Chenot combinant notre détox signature avec un rajeunissement à fort impact pour retarder l’apparition du vieillissement biologique.

CHF 7’100