This Parsley Root Soup with Hazelnut Crackers is a wholesome dish that celebrates the nourishing qualities of natural ingredients....
The gut microbiome plays a fundamental role in how the body and brain operate, so underestimate it at your peril. It’s time to go fully with your gut....
This recipe combines the nourishing properties of broccoli with the flavours of lemongrass to create a velvety, health-boosting cream....
How best to approach your own nutritional detox at home? We asked our nutritionist Simone Gulino, for advice on how to do it safely and sustainably....
The Chenot Diet® is a short-term intervention that lasts seven to ten days maximum, and our health and medical professionals supervise it in a controlled environment. At the same time,...
Detoxification is the physiological process by which our bodies remove toxins and chemicals that build up from routine. Our bodies can get rid of toxins in different ways through internal...
What kind of toxins can we encounter in nature and in the human body? Which ones tend to accumulate in our bodies more, and—most importantly—how do we ensure we can...

Indurre una profonda purificazione e disintossicazione dell’organismo per eliminare le tossine, aumentare la vitalità, ripristinare i livelli di energia e riequilibrare la fisiologia.

CHF 5’500

Rilassa il cervello, rivitalizza il corpo: il programma Recover & Energize di Chenot riduce lo stress cronico e l’affaticamento e ripristina livelli di energia ottimali.

CHF 6’400

Il programma di miglioramento della salute intenso che combina la nostra disintossicazione esclusiva con un ringiovanimento ad alto impatto per ritardare l’inizio dell’invecchiamento biologico.

CHF 7’100