How To Age Slower. Science proves it’s entirely possible

When it comes to our health both right now and in the future, what’s age got to do with it?

Science shows that although we all age, the rate at which that ageing occurs can differ significantly. Functionality and vitality are two of the most prominent ageing factors, dictated by a person’s genetics and the lifestyle they lead. Though functionality can be measured fairly easily, vitality is the level of energy in your body and mind, which is perhaps a little more amorphous. 

“Ageing is inevitable, with the passing of time we are all ageing. But is the result of that ageing, inevitable decline? Far from it,” says Dr George Gaitanos, Chief Operating and Scientific Officer of Chenot. “There are eight billion blueprints of ageing scattered across this globe, all of them ageing in different manners and at different rates. In fact, there have been some fascinating in-depth clinical studies of individuals having much lower biological ages than those chronologically younger than them.” 

In theory, it is entirely possible for a fifty-year-old to possess more vitality and functionality than a twenty-year-old. Who might this unlucky twenty year old be, one wonders? Potentially someone who doesn’t sleep, takes no regular outdoor exercise, eats a diet of ultra-processed foods and carries a weight of emotional trauma. The vast majority of medical students then?

Redefining Age: Biological vs. Chronological Age

The latest academic research into ageing deduces that chronological age is now deemed a reductive metric, merely accounting for the time we’ve been on the earth. However, biological age, which is the measure of how old your cells and tissues are along with how well your organs function, gives a far more in-depth picture of internal health. Furthermore, thorough investigation of an individual’s biological age, often through blood protein analysis, offers a more comprehensive indicator of future health than the number of candles on your next birthday cake.

Molecular Lab

The 12 Hallmarks of Ageing: Understanding the Science

There are twelve Hallmarks of Ageing now recognised by the scientific community as the definitive characteristics of ageing. These are interconnected processes that have been shown to shift as a result of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors as well as the passing of time and we cannot escape the truth that as we age, our biological functions indeed start to slow down. This is where Dr Gaitanos’ battery analogy comes into play because as he explains, “We are all fully charged batteries during the developmental stage but with age, cellular energy is depleting and those vital processes of repair and regeneration slow.” 

By investigating the status of an individual’s stem cell exhaustion, genomic instability, telomere attribution and chronic inflammation, to name but a few, it’s possible to gather a wealth of personalised ageing data. From there using both medical and lifestyle interventions, it’s possible to bring down chronic inflammation, stimulate stem cell proliferation, instil a healthier cell turnover and work to fully reprogramme the epigenome.

The Chenot Method®: Optimizing Vitality and Functionality

Under Dr Gaitanos’ expert charge, Chenot is setting the industry standard by addressing all the twelve Hallmarks of Ageing. The evidence-based Chenot Method® is a world-renowned protocol for optimising health and  resetting biological age. This starts  with obtaining highly analytical data using Chenot Lifestyle Biomarkers® that provide a clear indication of an individual’s current rate of biological ageing. These diagnostics include vascular assessment, minerals and heavy metals intoxication analysis, advanced glycation and skin collagen thickness measurements as well as state-of-the-art bio-energetic screening of the energetic state of vital organs. This wealth of biological intel establishes a clear picture of a current health trajectory, in comparison to where it potentially could be. The Chenot Prevention & Ageing Well Programme then uses proven techniques to proactively strengthen the body and improve its resilience to modern day lifestyle pressures. By challenging the body through hypoxia and neuromuscular stimulation, detoxification and a tailored fast-mimicking diet plan, the body is coerced into kickstarting its own innate regenerative response mechanisms, reducing biological age and ageing slower moving forward.

Hypoxy Hyperoxy

Ageing Well: A Roadmap for Longevity and Resilience

“Thanks to all the hyper-specific and unique information we gather, we can instigate a proactive approach to the regeneration and restoration of functionality and vitality throughout the body. When provided with the right amount and type of healthy signals, your body has an amazing ability to improve its functionality and performance at any age – both mentally and physically,” says Gaitanos. Chenot wellness retreats offer a space to turn your focus inwards and investigate your current health state. Once the week-long reset concludes, guests leave with an aspirational, yet realistic lifestyle management plan that inspires them to continue making informed, sustainable choices for a healthier, more vibrant life.

As Dr Gaitanos so aptly puts it, “My wish is to live a full life; to achieve, to experience, and to love right to the very end, and at the end, to die standing up.” It’s his unique and wry take on the well-known adage of adding life to your days rather than days to your life that makes him so ideally suited to leading Chenot’s anti-decline initiatives. And who knows, by harnessing Chenot’s decades of expertise and cutting edge technology, that might very well be an achievable eventuality for us all. 

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