Our evidence-based Chenot Method® resets your body at a cellular level, enabling you to live to your full health potential, for longer....
Turning the dials of gene expression up or down is the key to slowing the ageing process. The era of precision medicine has arrived....
When it comes to our health both right now and in the future, what’s age got to do with it?...
Writer Anna Pasternak tested our brand – new Sleep Cycles module and redefined how to recover through sleep....
Optimal health wellness and longevity depends not on having less fat, but on developing more muscle, writes Dr Gabrielle Lyon....
Dr George Gaitanos reflects on his experience working with elite athletes, emphasizing the importance of resilience in achieving peak performance....
Dr George Gaitanos reflects on his experience working with elite athletes, emphasizing the importance of resilience in achieving peak performance....

يهدف برنامجنا المميز شينو إلى إحداث تنقية عميقة وإزالة السموم من الجسم للتخلص من السموم وزيادة الحيوية وإعادة ضبط مستويات الطاقة وإعادة التوازن الفسيولوجي للجسم.

CHF 5’500

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CHF 6’400

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CHF 7’100