Detox at home: a complete guide 

How best to approach your own nutritional detox at home? We asked our nutritionist Simone Gulino, for advice on how to do it safely and sustainably. 

You have just finished one of our Chenot programmes and feel like you have never felt before. Your energy batteries are charged, and your true potential has been unlocked. 

Now that you are travelling back home, you want to bring that health wellness feeling with you, implement it into your routine, and keep doing the good work that has been transformative during your stay.  

Alternatively, you might never have tried a detox intervention, but you have been reading about the different options and considering trying one approach at home. 

Whatever has brought you to this point, you are probably wondering how best to approach your own nutritional detox at home? We asked our Supervisor Nutritionist Simone Gulino, for advice on how to do it safely and sustainably. 

Individualisation is key 

Continuing detox at home is something that we have always suggested to our guests, but the suggestion is never generalised, it’s different for each person,” says Gulino.” 

The recommendation for nutritional detoxification at home depends on the individual and the specific starting point. Guests who have stayed at Chenot before have already gone through a comprehensive analysis of their biomarkers and have a good idea of their health status, plus, they have been assessed and monitored by our medical staff during their stay, so they can apply this insight when structuring their detox 

For people who have already shown signs of particularly good health, Gulino suggests following the Chenot Diet®.

Twice a year would already be highly beneficial. However, the recommended frequency may differ for people with a different health status. 

Simone Gulino

“In this case of those with poor health, repeating the Chenot Diet® more times over the year could prove more beneficial, but the maximum number of times I suggest is four, once per season,” he explains.  

Gulino points out that repeating the interventions closer to one another is possible, but advises against doing it every month. Instead, he suggests performing it every other month (but still for a maximum of four times per year) as an alternative to the seasonal intervention. 

“This is a good way to continue the Chenot Method® at home, and not only from a weight management perspective, but especially from an anti-ageing and preventative point of view” he says.  

First timers

If you have never been to Chenot and want to try a nutritional detox intervention at home, our professionals recommend starting with a shorter duration and then building up progressively. That means beginning with one to three days of detox and then building up to longer times.  

Even in the scenario where you might only try the intervention three days per week, Gulino suggests not doing it every week but every other week or once a month. Ultimately, the most effective intervention is when you can extend this diet to five or seven days because this is when your body will cycle through the processes of autophagy and cellular renewal.  


It is also important to begin with a shorter duration because the Chenot Diet® is a fast-mimicking, plant-based diet (and calorie-restricted, delivering 850 kcal across three meals per day), so if you have never tried it before, you might initially find it challenging for longer periods.  

Despite the reduced calories and limitation of caffeine, salt, animal proteins and sugars, the wide range of ingredients and flavours and the variety of meals and courses aims to reduce “negative side effects of the detox intervention. For a neophyte, jumping right into a strict detox or water fast can go sideways, which is something we want to avoid,” says Gulino. 

Among the main side effects experienced during a weeklong Chenot programme, are headaches (mostly due to altered blood regulation coming from a reduction in salt and caffeine intake) but also lethargy, sleepiness, hunger, and lower energy.  

Yet, these normally resolve within around 48 to 60 hours, when “the stomach shrinks in volume and where the hormonal responses to satiety and appetite balance out,” explains Gulino.  

The two-to-three-day mark is when positive effects and adaptations take place: energy levels rise again despite the calorie restriction, people resume some low-intensity physical activities, and there is a general feeling of lightness and well-being. 

Chenot cookbook

The Chenot Cookbook 

Our Chenot Cookbook provides a comprehensive guide on how to complete a nutritional detox at home using seasonal and organic ingredients.  

The book is also the perfect introduction for somebody who is willing to try our methods at home, even if they have never been to a Chenot property before. It offers a wide array of possibilities in case you want to try the principles of the Chenot Diet® at home, even if it is only for a single day.  

We recommend prioritising fresh and seasonal produce if you are following a detox at home. Shopping locally for produce which has been grown nearby means your ingredients will be fresher, riper, and richer in nutrients and flavours.  

As well as fruits and vegetables, one of the most important ingredients in our diet is healthy nuts: “It can be 
hazelnuts, almonds, or macadamia. Every part of the world has its own local nuts, which we use a lot in our recipes, and we use them every day.”  

Detox at Chenot 

Despite the benefits of detoxing nutritionally at home, we always recommend periodically completing a medically supervised holistic detox at Chenot.  

The Chenot Method® not only focusses on the nutritional and dietary aspect of detoxification; it is grounded on four other pillars besides the diet: thorough medical assessments, hydro aromatherapy bath and mud rituals, bioenergetic assessments and treatments, and energetic massages. 

As with all holistic interventions, the Chenot Method® is a rigourous protocol designed to be experienced for maximum benefit. 

Learn more about our programmes here or book your next stay here. 

Indurre una profonda purificazione e disintossicazione dell’organismo per eliminare le tossine, aumentare la vitalità, ripristinare i livelli di energia e riequilibrare la fisiologia.

CHF 5’500

Rilassa il cervello, rivitalizza il corpo: il programma Recover & Energize di Chenot riduce lo stress cronico e l’affaticamento e ripristina livelli di energia ottimali.

CHF 6’400

Il programma di miglioramento della salute intenso che combina la nostra disintossicazione esclusiva con un ringiovanimento ad alto impatto per ritardare l’inizio dell’invecchiamento biologico.

CHF 7’100