What is a detox? 

When you Google the word detox, the result can be quite daunting. Not only will you get 543,000,000 results—but if you click through a couple of them, the outcome can be contradictory at best. Detox can mean different things to different people. And there are countless programs, diets, and interventions to choose from. So, what exactly is a detox?

A definition 

There are several ways to describe detox or detoxification. In general terms, detox refers to the physiological or medicinal removal of toxins from the body.  

Toxins are either poisonous substances produced by the metabolic activities of cells and organisms or external ones that have come into contact with the individual. In the human body, detoxification processes happen mostly in the liver and kidneys. 

But when these organs can no longer function optimally, medical treatments like dialysis (the process of removing toxins from people whose kidneys no longer perform their functions) and chelation therapy—which aims to remove heavy metals from the body—can become necessary. Then there’s the detox from abused substances and digital detoxes that have grown in popularity. Yet detoxification doesn’t only refer to extreme cases or standard ways the body gets rid of toxins on its own.  


Different types of detox 

Some of the most well-known detoxes or cleanses involve body detoxification through juices or diets that promote specific foods and herbs. Other programmes, on the other hand, involve using dietary supplements or medical treatments. 

The goals of detoxes also vary. Some focus purely on weight loss, while others aim to promote overall health in a holistic way. A detox can focus on eliminating unhealthy habits, avoiding artificial and processed foods, and generally educating people about health and wellness. A certain intervention can also have the most generic objective of making the person feel better and giving the internal organs a respite. 

The settings where detoxes can take place are also mixed. In certain instances, short-, medium-, and long-term detoxes are carried out at home, often following quick online research. In other circumstances, advanced detox programs need medical supervision and are offered in health or medical centres. However, when you research one programme online, it can be quite hard to discern what is safe and effective, and what is not. 

Chenot Mud Treatment


In the US, the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission acted against companies selling detox products because they contained illegal and potentially harmful ingredients or devices unapproved for use. In some cases, interventions that only focus on specific ingredients—if taken in excess—can cause more harm than good and achieve the opposite effects of their initial intended use. The same is true for water: water is good for health, and hydration is essential for many body functions, but too much water can be harmful and lead to electrolyte imbalances and, in extreme cases, hyponatremia. 

The scientific literature is also cautious on the topic. A critical review from 2015 didn’t find compelling evidence to support the benefits of detox diets for weight management and toxin elimination. In 2017, although a different study noticed a link between juicing and weight loss, it was mostly due to the short-term low caloric intake. 

Therefore, it’s important to be mindful and careful before opting for one programme, intervention, or diet. 


Detox at Chenot 

At Chenot, we do things differently. The goal of the Advanced Detox Programme is not to lose weight, although that is a possible outcome of the week-long programme. The main goal of Chenot’s Advanced Detox is to transform long-established and unhealthy habits and recharge your health batteries. 

First, Chenot offer each of its programmes under the constant supervision of doctors and nutritionists. Second, despite being a calorie-restrictive intervention, the Chenot Diet®—one of the programme’s pillars—is only short-term and provides fundamental nutrients through organic and planted-based produce. The Chenot Diet is a fast-mimicking diet, which means it mimics the effect of a fast without its downsides: prolonged calorie restriction and potential lack of essential nutrients. 

The programmes also include hydro-aromatherapies, mud wrapping, high-pressure showers, energetic massages, and bio-energetic treatments that have roots in traditional Chinese medicine. The Chenot Method® has been delivered in the same way for fifty years. Why? because it’s rooted in science and has proven effective over the years. It won the Best Detox Programme award three years in a row, from 2020 to 2023. And that doesn’t happen by chance. 

But don’t take our word for it. Discover more or speak to one of our team members.