Writer Anna Pasternak tested our brand – new Sleep Cycles module and redefined how to recover through sleep....
Optimal health wellness and longevity depends not on having less fat, but on developing more muscle, writes Dr Gabrielle Lyon....
To maximise your emotional resilience, acupuncture can reconnect you to your elemental self. Celebrated Five Element Acupuncture practitioner Ross J. Barr explains why this ancient medicine is as relevant as...
What kind of toxins can we encounter in nature and in the human body? Which ones tend to accumulate in our bodies more, and—most importantly—how do we ensure we can...
Ageing is a natural and progressive process which occurs in all living organisms. It is a multifactorial process, characterised by the deterioration of structure and functional capacities at the molecular,...
As the award-winning architect behind Chenot Palace Weggis, Davide Macullo understands architecture’s ability to influence wellbeing. He discusses the importance of regenerative design and the future of architecture....
The Chenot Molecular Lab for Optimal Living is a revolutionary new approach designed to combat pre-mature ageing at the molecular level. It utilises ground-breaking epigenetic technology to analyse gene activity,...

Pour induire une purification et une désintoxication profondes du corps afin d’éliminer les toxines, d’augmenter la vitalité, de rétablir les niveaux d’énergie et de rééquilibrer la physiologie.

CHF 5’500

Détendez votre cerveau, revitalisez votre corps – le programme Recover & Energise réduit le stress chronique et la fatigue et rétablit des niveaux d’énergie optimaux.

CHF 6’400

Le programme d’amélioration de la santé le plus intense de Chenot combinant notre détox signature avec un rajeunissement à fort impact pour retarder l’apparition du vieillissement biologique.

CHF 7’100