Ageing is a natural and progressive process which occurs in all living organisms. It is a multifactorial process, characterised by the deterioration of structure and functional capacities at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels. With ageing comes fragility and,...
As the award-winning architect behind Chenot Palace Weggis, Davide Macullo understands architecture’s ability to influence wellbeing. He discusses the importance of regenerative design and the future of architecture....
The Chenot Molecular Lab for Optimal Living is a revolutionary new approach designed to combat pre-mature ageing at the molecular level. It utilises ground-breaking epigenetic technology to analyse gene activity,...
The Norwegian athlete, Kristin Harila, shattered the record for climbing all 14 of the world’s highest mountains in just 92 days. As she prepared to begin her awe-inspiring challenge, she...
Chenot Palace Weggis proudly announces its remarkable feat of winning the prestigious ‘World’s Best Detox Programme 2023’ award at the World Spa Awards. This victory marks the third consecutive year...
The “Detox at Home” Cookbook opens one of the pillars of the Chenot Method® to all – providing an accessible way for people to enjoy the healthy yet delicious meals...
If lifestyle is your medicine to live healthily or keep young forever, shouldn’t the quest for longevity start within the family, if not earlier?...

Unser charakteristisches Chenot-Programm zielt auf eine tiefgreifende Entschlackung und Entgiftung des Körpers ab, um Giftstoffe auszuscheiden, die Vitalität zu steigern, das Energieniveau wiederherzustellen.

CHF 5’500

Entspannen Sie Ihren Geist, revitalisieren Sie Ihren Körper – das Programm reduziert chronischen Stress und Müdigkeit und stellt ein optimales Energieniveau wiederherzustellen.

CHF 6’400

Das intensivste Programm, das unsere charakteristische Entgiftung mit einer hochwirksamen Verjüngung kombiniert, um den Beginn der biologischen Alterung zu verzögern.

CHF 7’100