Writer Anna Pasternak tested our brand – new Sleep Cycles module and redefined how to recover through sleep....
Optimal health wellness and longevity depends not on having less fat, but on developing more muscle, writes Dr Gabrielle Lyon....
To maximise your emotional resilience, acupuncture can reconnect you to your elemental self. Celebrated Five Element Acupuncture practitioner Ross J. Barr explains why this ancient medicine is as relevant as...
In a post-pandemic world, it is time to re- set our approach to our wellbeing – and the arts can play a crucial role, writes mezzo – soprano and healer...
The Chenot Molecular Lab for Optimal Living is a revolutionary new approach designed to combat pre-mature ageing at the molecular level. It utilises ground-breaking epigenetic technology to analyse gene activity,...
The Norwegian athlete, Kristin Harila, shattered the record for climbing all 14 of the world’s highest mountains in just 92 days. As she prepared to begin her awe-inspiring challenge, she...
Chenot Palace Weggis proudly announces its remarkable feat of winning the prestigious ‘World’s Best Detox Programme 2023’ award at the World Spa Awards. This victory marks the third consecutive year...

يهدف برنامجنا المميز شينو إلى إحداث تنقية عميقة وإزالة السموم من الجسم للتخلص من السموم وزيادة الحيوية وإعادة ضبط مستويات الطاقة وإعادة التوازن الفسيولوجي للجسم.

CHF 5’500

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CHF 6’400

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CHF 7’100