A Richer Life The Other Side Of Chenot

A week’s reset doesn’t end at the checkout desk. Chenot Method® techniques build valuable life skills to thrive in the real world.

It’s easy to view a stay at Chenot as a standalone health fix. An intentional pause in the realities of life to recharge, reboot and regain control of your health and wellbeing. Indeed, through the extensive diagnostics and proven interventions of the Chenot Method®, vast improvements can be made in just seven days.

However, functionality and vitality are built over the longer term and the health goals you design with the medical team at Chenot, should remain for years to come. 


“At Chenot, we cannot stress how important living well is, long after you’ve left your week’s reset and how you must become the daily doctor of your own health. The Chenot Method® puts you on the right path to wellness, it is then up to you to walk that path every day of your life,” says George Gaitanos, Scientific Director of Chenot. 

During a detox retreat at all the Chenot centres, guests experience a wealth of proven techniques that proactively strengthen the body and improve its resilience to modern day lifestyle pressures. In fact, many of the treatments and experiences that guests gain during their stay have been intentionally designed to become practices they can easily apply at home.  


Sustainable eating plans to take into real life 

Courtesy of a meticulous DEXA body composition analysis, Chenot guests receive tailored recommendations from a nutritionist on how to adjust their eating habits, alongside practical advice on maintaining a balanced diet. Nutritionists offer strategies to reduce visceral fat through anti-inflammatory foods and how best to make necessary adjustments in macronutrient ratios over time. Chenot nutritionists also help guests to select the fasting method best suited to their lifestyle, explaining important distinctions between intermittent and prolonged fasting.

The Chenot Cookbook also serves as a valuable tool, featuring over 170 recipes to make it easier for guests to integrate periods of detoxing long after they leave their health retreat experience. 

Next-level heavy metal detoxing

A much-needed consideration for city dwellers and those consistently exposed to pollution or heavily treated water supply, is that of heavy metals. The results of the heavy metals and minerals assessment conducted by Chenot’s nutritionists identifies deficiencies or toxicities in the body and recommends specific supplements, lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments to restore balance, enhance cellular efficiency and buoy energy levels.

Moving onwards and upwards

From the relaxation and sense of freedom at Chenot, the return to desk-life can be a shock  which is why part of the Prevention & Ageing Well Programme is an in-depth posture and mobility assessment evaluating the curvatures of the spine, the mobility of the joints, and identifying weak links in the muscle chains. Each guest following this programme leaves Chenot with tailored physiotherapy recommendations such as postural movements, stretches, balances, flexibility exercises and strengthening routines that will easily amalgamate into daily life. 

Yoga Sunset

Enhancing emotional resilience 

One of the most sought after life skills upon leaving Chenot is how to safeguard emotional health when faced with the onslaught of real-life stresses and strains. Demanding careers, fast-paced living and complex interpersonal relationships all put strain on our psychological welfare. The techniques imparted at Chenot are designed to bolster your mental resilience, no matter the unexpected situations that might arise.

Breathwork techniques are introduced during yoga sessions, shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and during the Recover & Energise programme, guests are introduced to neuroacoustic deep-relaxation therapy. This method uses precisely tuned sound frequencies or binaural beats to entrain brainwaves into a more relaxed state and is a simple technique that can be repeated at home. 

Though very much a revered place of calm and rest for busy minds, Chenot equips guests with the emotional resilience and adaptability for returning to a busy world.

Guests who experience the most profound change, take the ethos of Chenot back into the real world with them to make health wellness their everyday reality.

Unser charakteristisches Chenot-Programm zielt auf eine tiefgreifende Entschlackung und Entgiftung des Körpers ab, um Giftstoffe auszuscheiden, die Vitalität zu steigern, das Energieniveau wiederherzustellen.

CHF 5’500

Entspannen Sie Ihren Geist, revitalisieren Sie Ihren Körper – das Programm reduziert chronischen Stress und Müdigkeit und stellt ein optimales Energieniveau wiederherzustellen.

CHF 6’400

Das intensivste Programm, das unsere charakteristische Entgiftung mit einer hochwirksamen Verjüngung kombiniert, um den Beginn der biologischen Alterung zu verzögern.

CHF 7’100