A week’s reset doesn’t end at the checkout desk. Chenot Method® techniques build valuable life skills to thrive in the real world....
How the Chenot Method® harnesses the controlled application of low-grade stress to stimulate total-body rejuvenation....
The gut microbiome plays a fundamental role in how the body and brain operate, so underestimate it at your peril. It’s time to go fully with your gut....
Wellness requires dedication but can sometimes feel like a chore. Here’s how it might look different than you expect....
The evidence-based Chenot Method® will re-energise and revitalise you, so you feel ready to perform at your best....
Our evidence-based Chenot Method® resets your body at a cellular level, enabling you to live to your full health potential, for longer....
Ever wondered what the boundaries of your true potential could be and how they might be more elastic than you think?...

يهدف برنامجنا المميز شينو إلى إحداث تنقية عميقة وإزالة السموم من الجسم للتخلص من السموم وزيادة الحيوية وإعادة ضبط مستويات الطاقة وإعادة التوازن الفسيولوجي للجسم.

CHF 5’500

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CHF 6’400

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CHF 7’100