Fitness Boost
Improve the body’s resistance to lifestyle challenges
When trying to delay the ageing process, there is no better starting point than an active lifestyle that trains the key organ of longevity: the muscles. The Fitness Boost programme aims to proactively improve the body’s resistance to lifestyle challenges by promoting strength, flexibility and balance.
Minimum Night Stay
Kcal per day
Diagnostics & Treatments
Fitness Boost
€ 2,340
1 Medical Consultations
1 Nutritional Consultations
Biolight Diet
In the Chenot Biolight Diet, the general scheme is the “dissociated diet” in which whole grains, vegetables, limited fruit and proteins are favoured and processed foods and refined fats are eliminated. The timing of certain foodgroups is important, with fruits included at breakfast or before meals, in order to prevent fermentation processes.
Biolight cooking prioritises the selection, preparation and processing of a wide variety of foods in order to produce healthy, nutritious, well-balanced and tasty meals. This culinary approach promotes healthy nutritional habits and aids weight management.